Copyright © Wolverhampton Photographic Society 2024
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Programme Leaflet
Supported by the National Lottery
No image or design on this site may be copied or used in printed or digital form without permission and all photographs remain the property and copyright of the original photographer.
Programme of Events 2023 - 2024
Some WPS events require tickets or attract a higher door fee: Price is set when tickets go on sale. Increased door fee: £6.00
Blue ticket event Gold Ticket event Ticketed Events  Box containing meeting times
Useful Information WPS meets at 7.45pm on Tuesday evenings during the season, unless stated otherwise in the Programme. It is best to arrive by 7.30pm to allow time to park, find your seat and catchup with fellow members. For events not marked with a ticket symbol a door fee is payable towards running costs: Guests & Visitors: £5.00
September 2023 5th New Season Opening Night If you are thinking of joining WPS this is an ideal time to join us and meet our members. Amongst other things there will be an overview of the coming season and two presentations which should be interesting and entertaining. The first is a look back at our social and photography weekend in Liverpool, then a presentation by one of our member’s about their trip to Western Greenland. 12th People, Places & Faces … plus … The Many Faces of China - Mike Sharples MFIAP.MPAGB.EFIAP.FBPE This evening we get not one, but two fascinating presentations with the titles saying it all. Mike is a very well-known and highly respected photographer and photographic circuit judge so our 2023/24 Season will definitely ‘start with a bang’. Don’t miss this superb event and see some really top-rated photography! 19th Where I Photograph British Wildlife - Malcolm Hupman Malcolm’s talk this evening will show us a broad range of British wildlife together with specific locations where they might be found. His wildlife images are absolutely stunning and are accompanied by full camera, lens and settings details for every image in his presentation. Malcolm’s vast experience of suitable locations within this genre of photography will undoubtedly give you inspiration for your own photography. Entry of images for PDI Round 1 26th Competition Evening - PDI Round 1 The first round of our Projected Digital Image internal competition. This is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to three images in either monochrome, colour or a mixture of the two. Please make sure your images conform to WPS requirements as explained here. Guest Judge: Paddy Ruske October 2023 3rd The Weird and Wonderful … ish! - Phil Cooling FRPS Phil suggests there are three types of photographers: a) those who know exactly what they want to photograph and limit themselves to that b) those who photograph everything and become diverse in skills and taste and c) those who become more idiosyncratic – Phil believes he is in category (c) because he has, to quote, “a kind of obsessive personality.” You can therefore be pretty sure that tonight our presenter will give us different viewpoint on photography. Entry of titles/previews for Print Round 1 10th Competition Evening - Print Round 1 The first round of our Printed Photographs internal competition. There are two categories - monochrome and colour photographs - and in each category there are sections for novices and advanced photographers. Each entrant may submit up to two colour and two monochrome and entries should conform to competition requirements for the mount size etc. Guest Judge: John Haines 17th Some More Pics Wot We Like - Dave Tucker DPAGB.EFIAP/g.BPE & Angie Tucker Dave and Angie Tucker are one of the best ‘husband and wife’ photographic teams around. Their images are always an eclectic mix of genres and are guaranteed to both impress and inspire us. Both Dave and Angie use ‘on1’ editing software to process their images and Dave is always more than happy to answer any questions about his image editing techniques. 24th WPS Practical Night Tonight is a photography night so members will be using their cameras for various activities. There will be two groups: one for those who want to learn more about how their camera works and how to use it to better effect and the second is for those familiar with their cameras. More detail will be in the newsletter. 26th WPS Photography Workshop Another in the series of monthly photography workshops which focus on improving your photography. Details will be published in the members’ newsletter. 31st Mono Conversion Techniques - David Lowe DPAGB.ARPS.EFIAP David will be giving us a really interesting tutorial explaining the various methods of converting colour images into monochrome/black & white. He will be demonstrating the more popular methods and passing on his experience-based preferences as to the best ways to proceed. There is a growing school of thought in the imaging world that colour can sometimes ‘clutter an image’s intended message’ so why not come along and see if you agree? November 2023 7th WPS In-House Critique Evening Submit your photographs for constructive critique by fellow members, but fear not because WPS members are kind, caring and considerate so there is no need to bring the tranquillizers. In reality, it is a fun evening which simply should not be taken too seriously. 14th From Black Into White - John Hartshorne LRPS.DPAGB.ARPS.BPE3* Tonight, John will be offering a mixed bag of topics, locations, gear and media including medium format, Advanced Photo System–C (APSC), large A3 & A2 prints, infra-red images and landscapes. There will also be motor sport which includes motorbikes and vintage sports car club ‘Old Timers’ from Mallory Park, plus a round trip with from Bergen in Norway via Kirkenes in Russia at the beginning of March 2020. He will also be showing what camera he used to capture and create A2 prints. Makes you wonder how all this fits into one evening! 16th WPS Photography Workshop Another in the series of monthly photography workshops which focus on improving your photography. Details will be published in the members’ newsletter. 21st The (Very) Last Picture Show - Frank McGowan DPAGB We have a terrific ‘modular travelogue style’ presentation for this evening. Frank is a widely travelled photographer who will be bringing us stunning images from across the world, with relevant music to accompany them. As an added bonus he will also be bringing a number of A2 size prints for us to view during the break. 28th WPS Five-a-Side PDI Competition WPS members divide into teams for a friendly battle of projected images. There are usually four or five teams competing with membership of a team determined by names drawn from a hat. There is a small prize for members of the winning team. Guest Judge: Derek Doar Entry of images for PDI Round 2 29th Lichfield Camera Club versus WPS - Wednesday evening Lichfield CC play host for a friendly battle of images and prints. Why not have an evening out and come to support WPS and watch the battle play out. Guest Judge: Ralph Duckett Check out our competitors at: December 2023 5th Competition Evening - PDI Round 2 The second round of our Projected Digital Image internal competition. This is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to three images in either monochrome, colour or a mixture of the two. Please make sure your images conform to WPS requirements as explained here. Guest Judge: Peter Gennard 12th WPS 135 Year Birthday Celebration WPS was founded in 1888 and this year we celebrate 135 years, so this evening we are holding a celebration party which includes a buffet and a look at how things have changed in that time, showcase some great images and welcome people who are, or have been, involved with WPS. This is not a formal presentation event but is intended to be a relaxed and friendly evening of celebration. If you are a past member, one of our judges or anyone who has been involved with or has helped us then we would also love you to be part of this. This is a ticketed event so you will need one to attend and details of how to obtain these will be published soon. 14th WPS Photography Workshop Another in the series of monthly photography workshops which focus on improving your photography. Details will be published in the members’ newsletter. January 2024 2nd A Close Encounter with Nature - Darron Matthews FRPS.DPAGB.EFIAP.BPS5* A superb macro photography presentation from Cannock based photographer Darron Matthews who specialises in nature photography, but successfully uses his camera skills in many other areas. He has been a member of Lichfield Camera Club since 2007 and has been their Chairman since 2016. We all know that good quality macro photography is difficult, so come along tonight and see the work of a master of the genre. Entry of titles/previews for Print Round 2 9th Competition Evening - Prints Round 2 The second round of our Printed Photograph internal competition. As before, this is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to two photographs in monochrome and up to two colour photographs. All entries must be mounted so please make sure they conform to the competition requirements. Guest Judge: Mike Sharples 16th WPS In-House Presentation Evening Tonight a few members become presenters to pass on their thoughts, skills and insights into their photography. There is always a wide range of topics covered which in the past have included pretty much every aspect of photography but, the great thing about these evenings is the insight you get into the photographic world of fellow members. 23rd WPS Members’ AV ‘Photo Harmony’ Evening AV presentations with judging and voting by members. Those wishing to enter should refer to entry guidelines and liaise with Gordon Uprichard regarding submission deadlines. 25th Pop-Up Competition Review Evening (Replaces the WPS workshop evening) Every other month WPS have a themed competition where the photo must have been taken during the relevant month. Tonight members meet on Zoom to discover the results of the December competition. 30th Visions of America - Tony Gervis FRPS Of all of his presentations, this is Tony's favourite, perhaps because it contains many images from his RPS Fellowship panel. He tells us that America is a dream location for photographers, having so much variation in subject matter from deserts to rain forests, its culture and people, plus a climate which is reasonably predictable. Tony has a lectured in America to American photographers and on many cruise ships so we are guaranteed a very professionally delivered evening. February 2024 6th WPS Practical Night A practical night with an opportunity for photography and guidance. Further details in the newsletter. Entry of images for PDI Round 3 13th Competition Evening - PDI Round 3 The third and final round of our Projected Digital Image internal competition so tonight we will find out the winner of the PDI trophy. This competition is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to three images in either monochrome, colour or a mixture of the two. Please make sure your images conform to WPS requirements as explained here. Guest Judge: Steve Clifford 15th Great Barr Photographic Society versus WPS - Thursday evening Great Barr PS play host for a friendly battle of images and prints. Why not have an evening out and come to support WPS and watch the battle play out. Guest Judge: Bob Goode Check out our competitors at: 20th Environmental Portraiture - Peter Gennard MFIAP.EFIAP/D2 A fascinating and undoubtedly light-hearted presentation with a tutorial element built in, showing how Peter achieves his signature style of imagery. His approach is to think more about ‘making’ an image rather than ‘taking’ a photograph. Peter has visited WPS several times as both a presenter and a judge so we know that this evening will be enjoyable and informative. 27th The Annual MCPF Portfolio An evening of top class photographs set to music. Entry of titles/previews for Print Round 3 March 2024 5th Competition Evening - Prints Round 3 The third and final round of our Printed Photograph internal competition. This is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to two photographs in monochrome and up to two colour photographs. All entries must be mounted so please make sure they conform to the competition requirements. Tonight then, we discover the overall winners in this competition. Guest Judge: John Hartshorne 12th WPS Practical Night With more detail given to members in the weeks leading up to this event, this evening will be focused on improving photography skills. Definitely bring your camera. Entry of images for the PDI Best of Season competition 19th Best of Season Competition: PDI Members submit their three best images from this season’s PDI competition rounds. Guest Judge: David McGuire 26th Smethwick International Photo Evening This evening includes AV presentations showcasing hundreds of inspiring and award winning images. Presented by WPS member John Holt ARPS.DPAGB.BPE5* April 2024 2nd WPS versus Stourbridge Photographic Society A friendly return battle hosted by WPS against Stourbridge PS. So who will win the tournament this time around? Guest Judge: David McGuire Check out our competitors at: Entry of titles/image previews for the Best of Season Print and Outings Cup competitions 8th Trinity Photographic Group versus WPS A friendly return battle against WPS hosted by Trinity PG so hopefully you will travel to their venue to offer support and encouragement. Guest Judge: David Haines Check out our competitors at: 9th Best of Season Prints and Outings Cup Members submit their two best monochrome and two best colour photographs from this season’s Print Competition rounds. Members also submit their best two printed photographs and two best projected images taken whilst on official WPS outings and visits. Judge: Heather Woodhams 16th Sports Photography - Steve Williams This evening Steve will show that you do not need a press pass or the biggest and fastest lenses to get good images at sports events. He will cover over twenty different sports, including rugby, football, speedway, motor bike racing, moto cross and jet ski racing where it is possible to get great images from the public areas at these events. He will also offer advice on settings and techniques to enable people to feel confident to go out and try something new. 23rd WPS Annual Themes Competitions - ‘A Life in th Country’ and ‘Sporting Action’ Both themes will be judged tonight and members may submit three PDI entries for each theme (six images maximum) which may be any mix of colour or monochrome. Please read the entry guidelines for these competitions to ensure both yours and the judge’s interpretation of what’s allowed is roughly the same! Guest Judge: Louise hill 30th Members’ Images - Behind the Scenes Members will be showing before and after versions of images and explaining what was done to create the final version. May 2024 7th WPS 2023/24 Annual Dinner & Awards Evening Following immediately after our Annual Dinner, Mike Piper, our Competition Secretary, will be announcing the winners and awarding the cups and prizes for our internal competitions. A great evening which celebrates our members’ successes during this season. 14th WPS Annual General Meeting WPS members’ chance to comment on how the society is being run and choose the Committee members for the 2024/25 season. WPS Summer Programme Every year during the summer months WPS organise social meet-ups, visits and photography workshops and a list of events is published in the WPS members’ e-newsletter.
David Lowe  
Copyright © Wolverhampton Photographic Society 2024
Supported by the National Lottery
No image or design on this site may be copied or used in printed form or digitally without permission and all photographs remain the property and copyright of the original photographer.
Events Programme 2023 - 2024
Box containing meeting times
Useful Information The club meets at 7.45pm on Tuesday evenings during the season, unless stated otherwise in the Programme. It is best to arrive by 7.30pm to allow time to park, pay the door fee and take your seat. For events not marked with a ticket symbol a door fee is payable towards running costs: Guests & Visitors: £5.00
Wolverhampton Photographic Society
Some WPS events require tickets or attract a higher door fee: Price is set when tickets go on sale. Increased door fee: £6.00
Blue ticket event Gold ticket event PDF Download
Programme Leaflet
Ticketed Events 
September 2023 5th New Season Opening Night If you are thinking of joining WPS this is an ideal time to join us and meet our members. Amongst other things there will be an overview of the coming season and two presentations which should be interesting and entertaining. The first is a look back at our social and photography weekend in Liverpool, then a presentation by one of our member’s about their trip to Western Greenland. 12th People, Places & Faces … plus … The Many Faces of China - Mike Sharples MFIAP.MPAGB.EFIAP.FBPE This evening we get not one, but two fascinating presentations with the titles saying it all. Mike is a very well-known and highly respected photographer and photographic circuit judge so our 2023/24 Season will definitely ‘start with a bang’. Don’t miss this superb event and see some really top-rated photography! 19th Where I Photograph British Wildlife - Malcolm Hupman Malcolm’s talk this evening will show us a broad range of British wildlife together with specific locations where they might be found. His wildlife images are absolutely stunning and are accompanied by full camera, lens and settings details for every image in his presentation. Malcolm’s vast experience of suitable locations within this genre of photography will undoubtedly give you inspiration for your own photography. Entry of images for PDI Round 1 26th Competition Evening - PDI Round 1 The first round of our Projected Digital Image internal competition. This is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to three images in either monochrome, colour or a mixture of the two. Please make sure your images conform to WPS requirements as explained here. Guest Judge: Paddy Ruske October 2023 3rd The Weird and Wonderful … ish! - Phil Cooling FRPS Phil suggests there are three types of photographers: a) those who know exactly what they want to photograph and limit themselves to that b) those who photograph everything and become diverse in skills and taste and c) those who become more idiosyncratic – Phil believes he is in category (c) because he has, to quote, “a kind of obsessive personality.” You can therefore be pretty sure that tonight our presenter will give us different viewpoint on photography. Entry of titles/previews for Print Round 1 10th Competition Evening - Print Round 1 The first round of our Printed Photographs internal competition. There are two categories - monochrome and colour photographs - and in each category there are sections for novices and advanced photographers. Each entrant may submit up to two colour and two monochrome and entries should conform to competition requirements for the mount size etc. Guest Judge: John Haines 17th Some More Pics Wot We Like - Dave Tucker DPAGB.EFIAP/g.BPE & Angie Tucker Dave and Angie Tucker are one of the best ‘husband and wife’ photographic teams around. Their images are always an eclectic mix of genres and are guaranteed to both impress and inspire us. Both Dave and Angie use ‘on1’ editing software to process their images and Dave is always more than happy to answer any questions about his image editing techniques. 24th WPS Practical Night Tonight is a photography night so members will be using their cameras for various activities. There will be two groups: one for those who want to learn more about how their camera works and how to use it to better effect and the second is for those familiar with their cameras. More detail will be in the newsletter. 26th WPS Photography Workshop Another in the series of monthly photography workshops which focus on improving your photography. Details will be published in the members’ newsletter. 31st Mono Conversion Techniques - David Lowe DPAGB.ARPS.EFIAP David will be giving us a really interesting tutorial explaining the various methods of converting colour images into monochrome/black & white. He will be demonstrating the more popular methods and passing on his experience-based preferences as to the best ways to proceed. There is a growing school of thought in the imaging world that colour can sometimes ‘clutter an image’s intended message’ so why not come along and see if you agree? November 2023 7th WPS In-House Critique Evening Submit your photographs for constructive critique by fellow members, but fear not because WPS members are kind, caring and considerate so there is no need to bring the tranquillizers. In reality, it is a fun evening which simply should not be taken too seriously. 14th From Black Into White - John Hartshorne LRPS.DPAGB.ARPS.BPE3* Tonight, John will be offering a mixed bag of topics, locations, gear and media including medium format, Advanced Photo System–C (APSC), large A3 & A2 prints, infra-red images and landscapes. There will also be motor sport which includes motorbikes and vintage sports car club ‘Old Timers’ from Mallory Park, plus a round trip with from Bergen in Norway via Kirkenes in Russia at the beginning of March 2020. He will also be showing what camera he used to capture and create A2 prints. Makes you wonder how all this fits into one evening! 16th WPS Photography Workshop Another in the series of monthly photography workshops which focus on improving your photography. Details will be published in the members’ newsletter. 21st The (Very) Last Picture Show - Frank McGowan DPAGB We have a terrific ‘modular travelogue style’ presentation for this evening. Frank is a widely travelled photographer who will be bringing us stunning images from across the world, with relevant music to accompany them. As an added bonus he will also be bringing a number of A2 size prints for us to view during the break. 28th WPS Five-a-Side PDI Competition WPS members divide into teams for a friendly battle of projected images. There are usually four or five teams competing with membership of a team determined by names drawn from a hat. There is a small prize for members of the winning team. Guest Judge: Derek Doar Entry of images for PDI Round 2 29th Lichfield Camera Club versus WPS - Wednesday evening Lichfield CC play host for a friendly battle of images and prints. Why not have an evening out and come to support WPS and watch the battle play out. Guest Judge: Ralph Duckett Check out our competitors at: December 2023 5th Competition Evening - PDI Round 2 The second round of our Projected Digital Image internal competition. This is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to three images in either monochrome, colour or a mixture of the two. Please make sure your images conform to WPS requirements as explained here. Guest Judge: Peter Gennard 12th WPS 135 Year Birthday Celebration WPS was founded in 1888 and this year we celebrate 135 years, so this evening we are holding a celebration party which includes a buffet and a look at how things have changed in that time, showcase some great images and welcome people who are, or have been, involved with WPS. This is not a formal presentation event but is intended to be a relaxed and friendly evening of celebration. If you are a past member, one of our judges or anyone who has been involved with or has helped us then we would also love you to be part of this. This is a ticketed event so you will need one to attend and details of how to obtain these will be published soon. 14th WPS Photography Workshop Another in the series of monthly photography workshops which focus on improving your photography. Details will be published in the members’ newsletter. January 2024 2nd A Close Encounter with Nature - Darron Matthews FRPS.DPAGB.EFIAP.BPS5* A superb macro photography presentation from Cannock based photographer Darron Matthews who specialises in nature photography, but successfully uses his camera skills in many other areas. He has been a member of Lichfield Camera Club since 2007 and has been their Chairman since 2016. We all know that good quality macro photography is difficult, so come along tonight and see the work of a master of the genre. Entry of titles/previews for Print Round 2 9th Competition Evening - Prints Round 2 The second round of our Printed Photograph internal competition. As before, this is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to two photographs in monochrome and up to two colour photographs. All entries must be mounted so please make sure they conform to the competition requirements. Guest Judge: Mike Sharples 16th WPS In-House Presentation Evening Tonight a few members become presenters to pass on their thoughts, skills and insights into their photography. There is always a wide range of topics covered which in the past have included pretty much every aspect of photography but, the great thing about these evenings is the insight you get into the photographic world of fellow members. 23rd WPS Members’ AV ‘Photo Harmony’ Evening AV presentations with judging and voting by members. Those wishing to enter should refer to entry guidelines and liaise with Gordon Uprichard regarding submission deadlines. 25th Pop-Up Competition Review Evening (Replaces the WPS workshop evening) Every other month WPS have a themed competition where the photo must have been taken during the relevant month. Tonight members meet on Zoom to discover the results of the December competition. 30th Visions of America - Tony Gervis FRPS Of all of his presentations, this is Tony's favourite, perhaps because it contains many images from his RPS Fellowship panel. He tells us that America is a dream location for photographers, having so much variation in subject matter from deserts to rain forests, its culture and people, plus a climate which is reasonably predictable. Tony has a lectured in America to American photographers and on many cruise ships so we are guaranteed a very professionally delivered evening. February 2024 6th WPS Practical Night A practical night with an opportunity for photography and guidance. Further details in the newsletter. Entry of images for PDI Round 3 13th Competition Evening - PDI Round 3 The third and final round of our Projected Digital Image internal competition so tonight we will find out the winner of the PDI trophy. This competition is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to three images in either monochrome, colour or a mixture of the two. Please make sure your images conform to WPS requirements as explained here. Guest Judge: Steve Clifford 15th Great Barr Photographic Society versus WPS - Thursday evening Great Barr PS play host for a friendly battle of images and prints. Why not have an evening out and come to support WPS and watch the battle play out. Guest Judge: Bob Goode Check out our competitors at: 20th Environmental Portraiture - Peter Gennard MFIAP.EFIAP/D2 A fascinating and undoubtedly light-hearted presentation with a tutorial element built in, showing how Peter achieves his signature style of imagery. His approach is to think more about ‘making’ an image rather than ‘taking’ a photograph. Peter has visited WPS several times as both a presenter and a judge so we know that this evening will be enjoyable and informative. 27th The Annual MCPF Portfolio An evening of top class photographs set to music. Entry of titles/previews for Print Round 3 March 2024 5th Competition Evening - Prints Round 3 The third and final round of our Printed Photograph internal competition. This is divided into two sections - Novices and Advanced - and each entrant may submit up to two photographs in monochrome and up to two colour photographs. All entries must be mounted so please make sure they conform to the competition requirements. Tonight then, we discover the overall winners in this competition. Guest Judge: John Hartshorne 12th WPS Practical Night With more detail given to members in the weeks leading up to this event, this evening will be focused on improving photography skills. Definitely bring your camera. Entry of images for the PDI Best of Season competition 19th Best of Season Competition: PDI Members submit their three best images from this season’s PDI competition rounds. Guest Judge: David McGuire 26th Smethwick International Photo Evening This evening includes AV presentations showcasing hundreds of inspiring and award winning images. Presented by WPS member John Holt ARPS.DPAGB.BPE5* April 2024 2nd WPS versus Stourbridge Photographic Society A friendly return battle hosted by WPS against Stourbridge PS. So who will win the tournament this time around? Guest Judge: David McGuire Check out our competitors at: Entry of titles/image previews for the Best of Season Print and Outings Cup competitions 8th Trinity Photographic Group versus WPS A friendly return battle against WPS hosted by Trinity PG so hopefully you will travel to their venue to offer support and encouragement. Guest Judge: David Haines Check out our competitors at: www.trinity-photography- 9th Best of Season Prints and Outings Cup Members submit their two best monochrome and two best colour photographs from this season’s Print Competition rounds. Members also submit their best two printed photographs and two best projected images taken whilst on official WPS outings and visits. Judge: Heather Woodhams 16th Sports Photography - Steve Williams This evening Steve will show that you do not need a press pass or the biggest and fastest lenses to get good images at sports events. He will cover over twenty different sports, including rugby, football, speedway, motor bike racing, moto cross and jet ski racing where it is possible to get great images from the public areas at these events. He will also offer advice on settings and techniques to enable people to feel confident to go out and try something new. 23rd WPS Annual Themes Competitions - ‘A Life in th Country’ and ‘Sporting Action’ Both themes will be judged tonight and members may submit three PDI entries for each theme (six images maximum) which may be any mix of colour or monochrome. Please read the entry guidelines for these competitions to ensure both yours and the judge’s interpretation of what’s allowed is roughly the same! Guest Judge: Louise hill 30th Members’ Images - Behind the Scenes Members will be showing before and after versions of images and explaining what was done to create the final version. May 2024 7th WPS 2023/24 Annual Dinner & Awards Evening Following immediately after our Annual Dinner, Mike Piper, our Competition Secretary, will be announcing the winners and awarding the cups and prizes for our internal competitions. A great evening which celebrates our members’ successes during this season. 14th WPS Annual General Meeting WPS members’ chance to comment on how the society is being run and choose the Committee members for the 2024/25 season. WPS Summer Programme Every year during the summer months WPS organise social meet- ups, visits and photography workshops and a list of events is published in the WPS members’ e-newsletter.
David Lowe   
Wolverhampton Photographic Society